We've packed our virtual / online spray drone knowledge class with the most critical, need-to-know content to maximize your knowledge. This is a great class for people with existing drone experience that are looking to understand the mission planning, software, calibration, etc. of their new spraying drone system. Convenient and no travel necessary - leverage our industry-best experts and you'll avoid wasting time or costly errors!
The most important thing? Your applications will be as productive and effective as possible, getting you a quick ROI and avoiding costly mistakes or crashes.
Important: we offer several different brands of spraying drones and each knowledge class is focused on one specific brand (i.e. DJI, XAG or TTA). We do not provide knowledge class for brands that we don't sell. Bought your drone from someone else, but it's a current DJI, XAG or TTA model? We can help! Please be aware that this product knowledge class does not cover the basics (manual) methods of flying a drone or things like situational awareness; this class is more about the software/apps and maximizing the efficiencies of your operations. If you have never flown a drone before, we recommend you attend our in-person class instead.
Note: we don't have a Virtual class schedule, these are tailored based on demand. Please proceed with booking your class and we'll coordinate a schedule that works. If you have any questions, please contact us.
HSE Online Spaying Drone Knowledge Class Agenda
Mission Planning & Systems Training: RPAAS, virtual incl:
-Autopilot Features & Programs
-Preflight & Systems Check
-Mission Planning: Advanced
-System Settings
Fine Print
>>Hold Harmless
FAQ coming soon!